css 悬停动画_CSS3缩放图像动画效果悬停
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css 悬停动画

Today we will look into CSS3 Zoom Image animation effect with mouse on hover. With images being the soul of a website, you might have definitely tried your hands on adding some cool hover effects to them.

今天,我们将鼠标悬停在CSS3 Zoom Image动画效果上。 由于图像是网站的灵魂,因此您肯定会尝试向其添加一些很酷的悬停效果。

CSS3缩放图像 (CSS3 Zoom Image)

In this tutorial, I have penned down some useful examples of creating a flawless CSS3 zoom image effect using the
CSS transform and
transition properties.


是什么使CSS3成为实现图像缩放效果的最佳选择? (What makes CSS3 the best choice for achieving zoom effects for images?)

Although you may find a large number of jQuery plugins for creating an image zoom effect, CSS3 is perhaps the most recommended one. The reason being its seamless cross-browser compatibility which saves you from the headache associated with addition of lengthy jQuery codes.

尽管您可能会发现大量用于创建图像缩放效果的jQuery插件,但CSS3可能是最推荐的插件。 原因是其无缝的跨浏览器兼容性,这使您免于添加冗长的jQuery代码带来的麻烦。

The three examples that I’ll be looking at in this CSS zoom image tutorial include:


  1. As per first example, I’ll be achieving the zoom effect using transform: scale(2) and transition: all .3s ease-out

    作为第一个示例,我将使用transform: scale(2)transition: all .3s ease-out实现缩放效果
  2. As per second example, I’ll be achieving the zoom effect using two images where the second image would be shown on hover on just the right side of the parent image.

  3. As per the third example, I’ll be achieving the zoom effect using two images where the second image would be shown on mouse hover at a pre-defined location which is related to the current position of the parent image using CSS transform: translate(0, 300px);

    按照第三个示例,我将使用两个图像来实现缩放效果,其中第二个图像将在鼠标悬停时显示在与CSS父图像的当前位置相关的预定义位置transform: translate(0, 300px);

Let’s start with the first example of css image zoom on hover animation


In this example, I’ve used 2 images to showcase the zoom effect. Here is a detailed explanation of the transition and transform properties of CSS which will be used here:

在此示例中,我使用了2张图像来展示缩放效果。 这是将在此处使用CSS过渡和转换属性的详细说明:

  • transition: all .3s ease-out – This transition property will include the following values:

    transition: [transition-property] [transition-duration] [transition-timing-function] [transition-delay];


    过渡:[过渡属性] [过渡持续时间] [过渡计时功能] [过渡延迟];

As per above, transition-property will have all(comma-separated) or none of the CSS properties, transition-duration will include values which will determine the amount of time that will be consumed in completion of the transition. This will be displayed in seconds and milliseconds.

如上所述,过渡属性将具有全部(逗号分隔)或不具有CSS属性,过渡持续时间将包含将确定完成过渡所花费的时间量的值。 这将以秒和毫秒为单位显示。

In addition to this, the transition-timing-function will be used for specifying the change in speed at which the transition gets modified over the duration(here, I’m referring to the value set for transition-duration). The transition-timing-function property can include the below values:

除此之外,过渡计时功能将用于指定在整个持续时间内修改过渡的速度变化(此处,我指的是为过渡持续时间设置的值)。 transition-timing-function属性可以包含以下值:

  1. Linear: It represents that a uniform speed will be maintained for the image transition

    线性 :表示为图像过渡将保持一致的速度
  2. Ease-in: It represents that the animation will be started slowly and finished at a high speed

    缓入 :代表动画将缓慢开始并以高速完成
  3. Ease-out: It represents that the animation will be started at full speed and finished at a slow speed

    缓动 :代表动画将以全速开始并以慢速结束
  4. Ease-in-out: It represents that the animation will be started slowly, run at the fastest speed at the middle point and finished off slowly

    缓入缓出 :表示动画将缓慢开始,在中间点以最快的速度运行,然后缓慢结束
  5. Ease is like ease-in-out– It represents that the animation will operate in the same manner as in the case of ease-in-out with only one exception that during the start, it will be slightly faster as compared to its speed in the end.


Finally, there will be transition-delay which will represent the time delay from when the transition has been triggered.


  • Transform: scale(2): This is a CSS Transform property that will be used for increasing or decreasing the size of a specific image element, Here, scale(2) means that you’ll be able to scale an image element just double than its original size. Here, I’ll be using two values viz: x and y which will be used for stretching the image element horizontally and vertically respectively.

    Transform:scale(2) :这是一个CSS Transform属性,将用于增加或减小特定图像元素的大小,在这里,scale(2)表示您可以将图像元素缩放到两倍它的原始大小。 在这里,我将使用两个值viz:x和y,分别用于水平和垂直拉伸图像元素。

The code associated with this example is shown below:





Now, let’s get to know what happens in the second example


Here, I’ll be using each of the four images twice. The transition properties used here will include the ones mentioned below:

在这里,我将两次使用四个图像。 此处使用的过渡属性将包括以下提到的属性:

  • position:absolute – This property will be applied to the second version of a parent image so that when the same(here, I’m referring to the image’s second version) is displayed in the web browser, it won’t affect other page elements.

    position:absolute –此属性将应用于父图像的第二版本,以便在Web浏览器中显示相同版本(此处是指图像的第二版本)时,它不会影响其他页面元素。
  • Width: 0px – this property will be used for hiding the second version of the main/parent image

  • transition: width 0.3s linear 0s – this property will be used for maintaining consistent speed throughout the transition. For a better understanding of this property, I recommend reviewing the first example.

    过渡:宽度0.3s线性0s –此属性将用于在整个过渡期间保持一致的速度。 为了更好地了解此属性,建议阅读第一个示例。

The code associated with this example is shown below:





Finally, let’s get to know about the third example of css zoom image animation


This example is absolutely similar to example no.2 with only a single difference that the resultant image is located at a different position. The transform property used here is:

该示例与示例2绝对相似,仅一个不同之处在于所得图像位于不同位置。 这里使用的transform属性是:

transform: translate(0,300px) : this property is used for shifting the image element from its current location to a new one.

transform:translate(0,300px) :此属性用于将图像元素从其当前位置移动到新位置。

CSS3 Code associated with this example is shown below:


.parentimage:hover + .parentimageLarge{ width:600px; height:600px; transform: translate(0,300px); }

CSS3缩放图像动画效果演示 (CSS3 Zoom Image Animation Effect Demo)

You can visit below URLs for the demo of all three examples.


CSS缩放图像摘要 (CSS Zoom Image Summary)

Hope you’d have followed the steps covered in this tutorial and would find them useful enough in achieving the desired zoom effect for your website images.


About the Author: Jason Roiz is qualified outsource web development professional who brings to the table a quantum of learning around . He meets expectations for OSSMedia, a CMS development company giving proficient WordPress, Magento, Drupal and Joomla improvement administrations.

作者简介 :Jason Roiz是合格的外包Web开发专业人员,他将有关的知识带到了桌面。 他满足了CMS开发公司OSSMedia的期望,该公司提供精通WordPress,Magento,Drupal和Joomla改进管理。


css 悬停动画


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